cd – A Song of Trust – 2017
On this cd by the Roden Girl Choristers they show-case the beauty of the British-Anglican church music tradition.The centre of gravity of the programme is formed by two masses: the Messe Basse in the lyrical, romantic idiom of Gabriel Fauré and the Missa Brevis in the surprising, refreshing writing style of Benjamin Britten. In addition, four compositions by Charles Villiers Stanford play a leading role. Morevoer, it is special that there are two Dutch compositions, albeit in Aglican style, on the cd: The Prayer of St. Richard by Dick Sanderman and the Canticles in G by Sietze de Vries.
Click here or here for a sample. Their drive, togetherness and eagerness to pursue quality together can clearly be heard on the Roden Girl Choristers’ new cd.
The choir is certainly no longer in its infancy. Wonderful to be able to document this. The enchanting acoustics of the Christoforus Church in Schagen with its magnificent Nicholson organ form the ideal conditions for this cd.
The centre of gravity of the programme is formed by two masses: Messe Basse in the lyrical, romantic idiom of Gabriel Fauré and Missa Brevis in the surprising, refreshing writing style of Benjamin Britten. In addition, four compositions by Charles Villiers Stanford play a leading role: A Song of Trust, A Song of Peace and A Song of Wisdom from the Six Bible Songs and the Postludium in D minor for organ. It is also special that we were able to feature two Dutch compositions. The Prayer of St. Richard by Dick Sanderman and the Canticles in G by Sietze de Vries.
The cd was recorded on 20 and 21 October 2016 in de RCC in Schagen. The recordings were made by ajdbmultimedia. Click here to order this cd.
Combi Deal Song of Trust (2017) and It is a thing most wonderful (2011)
For €17,50 excl. Shipping costs you can order both cds. Click here to order.
cd – Dübendorf – 2015

cd Sietze de Vries and the Roden Girl Choristers 2015
The Roden Girl Choristers have, together with organist Sietze de Vries, recorded a cd in the Katholische Pfargemeinde of Dübendorf, Zwitserland.
Price: € 15 excl. Shipping costs. Click here to order this cd.
Johann Sebastian Bach:
Praeludium e-moll BWV 548a
Herr, Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf BWV 617
Fuga e-moll BWV 548b
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
BWV 662, BWV 676, BWV 715 in alternatim with choral verses
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy:
Laudate Pueri op.39 (choir)
Sonate B-dur op.65 nr.4
Improvisations on ‘Lobet den Herren’ in alternatim with choral adaptations.
Recording and publication: Stichting JSB Records
cd – It is a thing most wonderful – 2011

Debut cd Roden Girl Choristers 2011
Debut album of the Roden Girl Choristers.
Recorded in the Martin Luther Kirche in Emden by Westramedia.
Date: 2 – 4 June 2011
Organist: Sietze de Vries.
On this cd, the Roden Girl Choristers imagine themselves to be in one of the beautiful British cathedrals. Therefore the choice to show-case the music from this tradition in particular.
Price: € 10,- excluding shipping costs. Click here to order this cd.
Cantate Domino – Sietze de Vries
A Song of Peace – Charles V. Stanford
Magnificat en Nunc Dimittis in g – Rintje te Wies
Christchurch Mass – Malcolm Archer
When I survey the wondrous cross – Malcolm Archer
Say to them of a fearful heart – Samuel S. Wesley
All people that on earth do dwell – improvisations by Sietze de Vries
Holy Spirit, truth divine – Alan Viner
Sing we merrily – Christopher Symons
Psalm 138 – Walter Parrat
Ex Ore Innocentium – John Ireland
Christ, whose glory fills the skies – Richard Shephard
Rejoice in the Lord alway – Henry G. Ley
All my hope on God is founded – Herbert Howells
Voluntary in F (improvisation) – Sietze de Vries